Medico-Legal Experience
Dr Simpson has been involved in medico-legal practice for about 30
years and accepts instructions on all pain related matters. She has
provided reports within and outside the UK e.g. Eire, USA and Cayman
Her areas of expertise include all pain conditions such as chronic pain,
chronic widespread pain, headache/facial pain, whiplash injury, spinal
pain, post-surgical pain (e.g. breast surgery, abdominal/pelvic surgery,
joint/spinal surgery, hernia repair and vasectomy), post-
traumatic/post-amputation pain, neuropathic pain and Complex
Regional Pain Syndrome. She also specialises in complications after
pain management and anaesthesia including medication adverse
effects, complications of peripheral nerve blocks (e.g. brachial plexus),
complications of spinal procedures (e.g. epidural, spinal, caudal, nerve
root and facet injections). She has particular expertise in
neuromodulation and its complications e.g. spinal cord stimulation
and spinal drug delivery such as intra-thecal pump implants.
She initially provided expert opinion mainly regarding personal injury
cases. As she gained more experience, she was increasingly instructed
regarding complex clinical negligence matters and she has dealt with
many high value cases. She has provided expert evidence to the GMC
regarding fitness to practice. She has also been an expert in criminal
cases e.g. adult/child homicide, fraud and problem drug use.
She was an assessor for critical incidents for 10 years whilst working in
Leeds Teaching Hospitals and was trained in Root-Cause Analysis. She
also provided pro bono expert opinion to the Yorkshire NHS Litigation
Authority about many potential medico-legal claims. She has
maintained her medico-legal continuing education by attending
courses on report writing, cross-examination and Courtroom skills. She
holds the Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Law Expert Certificate.
She is experienced in preparation of CPR compliant reports and she is
aware of the requirements of CPR Part 35, its Practice Directions and
the CJC Guidance for the instruction of experts. She is experienced in
answering Part 35 questions, participating in conferences and
producing joint statements following experts’ meetings. She has given
expert evidence in Court on many occasions in the UK and Eire
including cases heard in the Royal Courts of Justice London and Belfast
and the Four Courts Dublin. After Court appearances, she has received
complimentary feedback from Judges in their final Judgements
regarding the quality of her expert evidence.
Her case load is currently about 80% Claimant and 20% Defendant;
less than 5% instructions are on a Single Joint basis. She is willing to
provide brief pro bono informal advice regarding potential cases. She
provides about 200 reports for the Court per year.
Dr Simpson is a member of the Expert Witness Institute. She is
registered with the UK Register of Expert Witnesses, the National
Expert Witness Agency and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.
Dr Karen H Simpson Expert Reports Ltd
Company Registered Office:
49 Austhorpe Road Leeds LS15 8BA
Company No: 08799092
VAT Registration No: 916 5254 23
Contact Sorrelle Hartley
Tel Mob: 07850 207468
Tel Direct: 0113 2185674
Tel Spire: 0113 2693939
Address: Spire Leeds Hospital
Jackson Avenue